The Beaufort Gazette from Beaufort, South Carolina (2024)

BEAUFORT GAZETTE, Sept. 23, 1965 -The Beaufort GazetteSea Island Socials Marian S. Samuel, Social Editor Phone 524-3183 LaSertoma Has Luncheon Meeting At Tidalholm The La Sertoma Club held its first meeting the fall last Friday at Tidalholm with the new president, Mrs. F. W.

Scheper Ill, presiding. At the business meeting preceding the luncheon the club voted to help with solicitation in the Individual Gift division of the United Fund campaign. At the request of Mrs. Lee Bradbury, local Crippled Children Society chairman, La Sertoma will send a box of crab meat to the Crippled Children Society's annual meeting in Columbia to be used as a door prize. Mrs.

Scheper named the following committee heads: telephone, Mrs. James Streett; social, Mrs. Stratton Demosthenes; ways and means, Mrs. Richard Gray; program, Mrs. Cleve Hutson, membership, Mrs.

Colden Battey, Brenda's Club Plans Booth At County Fair Members of Brenda's Arts and Crafts Club met with Mrs. Jasper Bishop at her home on North St. for their September meeting last Wednesday. Mrs. Dorothy Tucker was welcomed as a visitor.

Mrs. M. H. Lawton opened the meeting with the devotional, the Twenty-Third Psalm. Plans were discussed for the club's booth at the coming County Fair.

Club member Mrs. Earl Greenlaw was presented a traveling pouch and purse from the club as a farewell gifts. She will be moving to Atlanta, Ga. to make her home while her husband, Chaplain Greenlawn, is in Viet Nam on duty. Mrs.

S. D. Bowers, Sr. was presented a card for a piece of shrubbery donated by the club in memory of her father, who recently passed away. The plant will be placed in the Kate Gleason Memorial Park.

The door prize for the morning was won by Mrs. Vernon Smith. Following the display of the lovely items made by the club members, such as Christmas decorations, sweaters, pictures, bottles, the group adjourned to enjoy a delightful covered dish luncheon. The October meeting will be hostessed by Mrs. Morris Waldorf at her home on Center Drive West.

Mrs. Kenney Hostess To Beta Alpha Rush Party Mrs. Mark Kenney was hostess to a "Come as you are" party given for the rushees of Beta Alpha Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi sorority, on Thursday, Sept. 16. Mrs.

Larry Swinea, social chairman, was in charge. Several members came barefoot and in bermuda shorts, but "best dressed" of them all was one of the Ritual of Jewels members who came dressed in shower cap and terrycloth robe. All agreed that the party was a howling success. Winners of the hilarious games that were played were Mrs. Mark Kenney, Mrs.

H. Robertson, and Mrs. Larry Swinea. Refreshments were served buffet style, and d. consisted of canapes, hors d'oeuvres, tea cake, cookies, and coffee.

On Sept. 9, Beta Alpha Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Robertson in Beaufort. President Mrs. William Benner opened the meeting with the Opening Ritual, Treasurer Mrs.

Ardeth McMillion brought up the advisability of several ways and means projects in order to serve the community. Members approved of the plans of selling candy, and having a rummage sale in November. Mrs. McMillion also reported that the sale of Christmas cards was progressing very well. A communication from Beta ART ASSOCIATION MRS.

CLARENCE LEWIS BARNES Miss Phillips Is Bride Of Mr. Lewis Barnes Miss Elizabeth Ann Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Phillips of Lady's Island, became the bride of Clarence Lewis Barnes of Rodgers St.

Sunday in Shell Point Christian Church. The Rev. Leonard Lutz conducted the double ring ceremony at three o'clock. The groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.

C. L. Barnes, Sr. of Bells. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a traditional full-length gown of peau de soie with train.

Her shoulder -length veil of silk illusion was held by a satin-covered cloche. She carried a white Bible with a detachable corsage of white carnations. Matron of honor was the bride's sister, Mrs. W. F.

Robertson of Fairfax. Her fulllength gown was of pink satin, and she carried a single longstemmed red rose. The groom's best man was his -brother, Mr. Woodrow Barnes of Ribaut Road. Ushers were Mr.

Wescoat Phillips, brother of the bride, Mr. Don Sineath of Walterboro, nephew of the groom. Master Randy Phillips, nephew of the bride, -was ring bearer. Mrs. Phillips, mother of the selected a dress of jade with black accessories -and a corsage of red roses for her daughter's wedding.

Following the ceremony areSception was held at the home of the bride's brother, Mr. and Jaycee-Ettes Host Annual Fete The Beaufort Jaycee-Ettes held their annual membership social on Wednesday, Sept, 15, at 7:30, with seven guests attending. Club president, Mrs. Joan Harriott, welcomed each member and guest. Mrs.

Billy Thames was responsible for the introductions, and Mrs. Robert Gay informed the guests of the club activities. Following the invocation by Mrs. Dan Daniels, the meal was served by chairman Mrs. H.

F. Capps and co-chairman Mrs. Ed McTeer, Jr. Mrs. Cape McAlhaney led the group in a get -acquainted game, and Mrs.

Gene Cooper drew the winning number for the door prize. The guests for the evening Included Mrs. Glen Brantley, Mrs. Harold Troutman, Mrs. Gene Cooper, Mrs.

Ralph Jarrels, Mrs. Howard Cole, Mrs. Bob Upton and Nancy Sweat. Mrs. Harriott extended to each guest an invitation to attend Jaycee-Ette Ortentation Wednesday, Oct.

20, at 8:00 p.m. at the Jaycee Club House. I Mossy Oaks Garden Club Has First Fall Meeting Mrs. Mendel H. Steedly was hostess to the September meeting of the Mossy Oaks Garden Club last Wednesday morning, Sept.

15, at her home on Mossy Oaks Road. Mrs. Bruce Moore, prestdent, presided over the meeting, and reported on work done by the club members on cleaning out, pruning, weeding, etc. at the Mossy Oaks Elementary School. Azaleas and other shrubs had been mulched.

The beautification of these grounds is one of the projects of the club. Mrs. Steedly, program chairman, distributed sheets outlining the basic forms of line arrangements, the crescent and Hogarth. The members then applied these forms in making arrangements with real flowers brought for that purpose. Following the workshop, de-, lightful refreshments of miniature meat balls in barbecue sauce, sandwiches and dips, and brownies were served by the hostess.

courtesy, Mrs. Henry Chambers; scrapbook, Mrs. Ed Pike; publicity, Mrs. Marvin Dukes; Bloodbank, Mrs. J.

M. Waddell, Youth Service award, Mrs. W. B. Harvey, Jr.

and Mrs. Neil Trask; sponsorship, Mrs. Fred Knight. Club officers are Mrs. F.

W. Scheper III, president; Mrs. Hutson, first vice-president; Mrs. Battey, second vice-president; Mrs. Miles Burbage, recording secretary; Mrs.

John Duffy, corresponding secretary; Mrs. William Glover, treasurer; Mrs. Ed Pike, historian. HIGH SCHOOL WEEKEND Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Woods took their daughters, Jane, Terry, and Lucy, to Clemson University on Friday to attend High School weekend. Accompanying them were Misses Peggy Petorock and Joyce Ferguson. They, had a full day's schedule touring classrooms and dormitories, eating with the students at lunch time, and seeing the Clemson-North Carolina State football game. Miss Barbara Jane Millenbine Lt. Colonel and Mrs.

Otis E. Millenbine of 119 Banyan Drive, Laurel Bay, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Jane, to Mr. John Joseph Bawek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Bawek of Stacyville, Iowa.

The bride-elect is a graduate of Waipahu High School, Honolulu, Hawaii, and attended Shenandoah College in Winchester, Virginia. The prospective bridegroom was graduated from Visitation High School in Stacyville, Iowa, and is now a student in the College of Architecture, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. The wedding will take place December 23 at the Marine Corps Air Station Memorial Chapel. Order Of Rainbow For Girls Holds Officer Installation Miss Julie Taylor was installed as Worthy Advisor at a lovely and impressive ceremony of the Order of the Rainbow for Girls Sunday, Sept. 19, 1965 at the Masonic Temple on Bay Street.

Forever The Rainbow was the theme of the installation rites. Mrs. Valerie Owens opened the program with a musical selection. Mrs. Miriam Broom gave a warm welcome, with the response given by Mrs.

Joyce Rutland. Miss Mary Dean, outgoing Worthy Advisor, gave her farewell address and then introduced the Installing Officers as follows: Mrs. Dorsey Bailey, installing officer; Mrs. Libby Amey, installing marshall; Mrs. 'Bishop, installing chaplain; Patsy Ackerman, installing recorder; and Mrs.

Valerie Owens, musician. Officers installed for the new term are: Misses Julie Taylor, Worthy Advisor; Pat Duncan, Worthy Associate Advisor; Sylvia Boyd, Charity; Marian Rice, Hope; Linda Taylor, Faith; Betty Broom, Chaplain; Doris Duncan, Love; Dee Dickersen, Religion; Fran Whitaker, Nature; Terry Cooler, Immortality; Debbie Sabol, Fidelity; Pat Platt, Patriotism; and Carolyn Quann, Service. The officers were lovely in formals of pastel colors, and each carried a long stemmed rose. The roses were the colors of the Rainbow. The colors of the Worthy Advisor, Miss Taylor are the colors of the rainbow, and these colors were repeated throughout the hall's decorations.

After the officers were installed the new Worthy Advisor introduced her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Taylor. She then presented gifts to her installing officers in appreciation for their taking part in the installation.

Miss Sylvia Boyd was Officers Of Duplicate Bridge Club Are Named At a special meeting of the Duplicate Bridge Club held Thursday, Sept. 16, before the regular game started, the following officers were elected. Col. Ray Clemment (Ret.) was elected president of the club, and Dr. Colden Battey, vicepresident.

Mrs. Kitty Buswell was re-elected to continue as secretary-treasurer and Mr. Bernard Fischer as director. Several suggestions were proposed by the members for future expansion. They included starting a "Beginners Duplicate Bridge Club" to be directed by Mr.

Fischer and any regular club member he may call on for assistance; discontinuing giving cash prizes in order to build up the club treasury for future expansion; holding sectional tournaments sanctioned by the American Contract Bridge League. These events would draw a minimum of one hundred tables of bridge, "Worth the trip" This Weekend THE ISLAND SHOP adjoining the William Hilton Ina Hilton Head Island, S.C. OPEN: Weekdays 8:30 till 5:00 (except Wednesdays) Sundays 1:30 till 6:00 Hilton Head Audubon Society Elects Officers The Hilton Head Audubon Society held their fall meeting Wednesday, Sept. 15, at the William Hilton Inn. The president, Mrs.

David Harrall, welcomed the members and many guests. A discussion of the birds seen since the last meeting showed that Miss Patty Ann Gay has recently returned from a twoweeks trip to Winnipeg, Canada, where she was a delegate to the Conclave Convention of the Sigma Beta Phi Sorority International. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Norman Gay, her brother Walter and friends, Wayne Causey and Lamarr Cooler. During their trip they toured the flour mills of Minnesota, the badlands of North Dakota, and the Eskimo village of the Pas in Montabio, Canada.

They also toured Montreal and Niagara Falls, returning by New York to see the World's Fair. Miss Gay returned to Atlanta, Monday to resume her studies at Southern University, Training For Girl Scout Leaders Offered A DELEGATE A three-day training program for Girl Scout leaders is being offered next week. Anyone interested in helping with Girl Scout work is cordially invited to participate in the program, according to Mrs. Malcolm Goodwin, neighborhood chairman. The program is in Beaufort on Tuesday, Sept.

28, at the Baptist at 9:30 a.m.; on Wednesday, in Laurel Bay Community Center at on Thursday at Parris Island at the Girl Scout Hut, also at 9:30. Baby sitters will be available at each session so that mothers will be able to attend. the fall warbler migration is just beginning. The nominating committee, composed of Mr. Jack Jordan, Mrs.

Chester Goddard and Mrs. Zack Vanlandingham announced the following slate of officers, which were elected unanimously. President, Mrs. Wallace Butler; vice-president, Mr. C.

S. Sergeant; recording secretary; Mrs. George Newhall; corresponding secretary, Mrs. John Jordan; treasurer, Mr. W.

H. Branch; board member, Dr. Chester Goddard. The members were then shown a most unusual and excellent movie "The Colonial Naturalist." This related the experiences of Mark Catesby while visiting his sister in Williamsburg. There were beautiful scenes of the houses and gardens of Williamsburg, showing the birds, plants and animals found in the woods, fields and surrounding marshes.

Registration Is Open For Ceramics Class Mrs. William Ray Phillips on Lady's Island. The bridal table was centered with a traditional three-tiered wedding cake, banked with smaller cakes. Mrs. W.

Ray Phillips served, while Mrs. Violet Colson presided over the punch. Mrs. Peter Dernoga kept the bride's register. For a wedding trip to Florida, the bride wore a browntwopiece suit with alligator accessories.

The bride is a graduate of Beaufort High School, and is employed at City Hall. The groom, a graduate of Walterboro High School, is employed as a mechanic. The pair will reside at 1106 Emmons St. in Beaufort. The Beaufort Art Association will hold its first fall meeting next week on Sept.

28, rather than on Sept. 21, as was previously announced. Mr. H. P.

Christian, president, urges all members, prospective members and friends of the association to attend this important meeting at the USC Branch building at 8:00. crowned Rainbow Queen by Miss Julie Taylor, the reigning queen. Miss Mary Jane Bailey presented the crown on a pink satin pillow. Mary Jane is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Bailey of Port Royal. First runner up for the title of Rainbow Queen was Miss Betty Broom of Bluffton. The Chaplain concluded the program with the benediction and the assembly' adjourned to refreshments of cake and punch. The cake was beautifully decorated with a rainbow and pot of gold. Mrs.

Taylor presided at the punch bowl, while Mrs. Miralm Broom and Mrs. Frances Sabol assisted with the serving. Past Councilors Club Meets With Mrs. Bunton Mrs.

Corine Bunton was hostess to Past Councilors Club which met at her home on Park Avenue Monday night at 8:00. Mrs. Marjorie Buck presided over meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. Irma Zahler. Mrs.

Buck also officiated as secretary and treasurer. Following the business session the hostess served a delicious dinner to the 13 members attending. Daughter Is Born Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H.

Balz of Clemson announce the birth of a daughter, Wendy Theresa, born Tuesday, Sept. 14. Mr. Balz is son of Mr. and Mrs.

August H. (Bud) Balz of Greenville, and grandson of Mr. Arthur O. Christensen of Beaufort. He is married to the former Miss Reba Lipscomb of Greenville.

He is at present attending Clemson University in Clemson. Wendy was thoughtful enough to arrive on the birthday of several of her relatives, one of them her aunt, Miss Emily Balz. "MEMOS" from your Stylist by: EVELYN GRAY Fashion is often a good guide to the coiffure a WOman should wear. However, women should be wary of both fashions and hairstyles which are overwhelming. Neither should dominate a woman, rather they should enhance the charm of her appearance and be nicely in tune with both the individual's clothes and personality.

For that hairstyle, beautifully in fact, perfectly in tune with your personality, rely on the skilled, imaginative styling at EVELYN'S BEAUTY SHOP, 1117 Boundary Street, Phone: JA 4-7231 THIS WEEK'S HELPFUL HINT: Although eyebrow pencils should match hair color, ash blonds might try a gray pencil and golden blonds light brown. Registration is still open for those interested in taking a course in ceramics. Both beginners and advanced classes are being offered at the Ceramics Center on Pigeon Point. Anyone wishing to register is requested to contact Mrs. Bruce Whitney, ceramics instructor.

The advanced classes begin tonight at 7:00 and last until 10:00. The beginners course is on Friday mornings from 9 until 12. Beaufort Catering Service Phone JA 4-2004 Sigma Phi announced that the Carolinas Convention would be held in Asheville, N. C. at the Jack Tar Grove Park Inn.

All Chapter members are invited to enjoy a weekend of fun "in the beautiful Land of the Sky." The meeting was turned over to Mrs. Robertson who introduced the program "The Body Beautiful." She stressed the fact that beauty is really more than skin deep; that it comes from physical and mental well-being. Posture, exercise, and diet were also discussed. Mrs. Robertson illustrated the cultural with pictures and articles on beauty from current publications such as Vogue and Good Housekeeping.

Refreshments of chocolate covered cupcakes and coffee were enjoyed by the sorority members. next regular meeting will be September 23 at the home of Mrs. Ardeth McMillion in Laurel Bay. The cultural will be "Painting, the Person" given by Mrs. Fred Morgan.

PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING Use Our Modern Storage Vault To Protect Your Furs, Clothing, Etc. CITY LAUNDRY CLEANERS Tel. JA 4-2740 903 Port Republic St. and bring in a great number of visitors from several nearby states. Following the business meeting, regular bridge game began with the final results giving first place North-South to Maj.

Ray Bell and June Werz, followed by Mrs. W. B. Ryan and Mr. Bernard Fischer.

East-West first poace went to CWO Ed Trimmel and Col. Ray Clemment, followed by GySgt. Gill Ames and GySgt. Herman Hudson. Mr.

Fischer has requested that anyone interested in joining the "Beginners Club" telephone him at his office, 846- 8161 from 9:00 to 5:30. There will be no additional charge other than $1.00 for each person for each bridge session. Garland One and only: the Dreamspun classic No classic was ever so loved; none is as beautiful. Soft, soft full-fashioned Dreamspun, lovely in Garland's new colors, doubly charming with a skirt to match. Dreamspun Cardigan $12.00 Wallace Danner 906 Bay St IA 4-7536.

The Beaufort Gazette from Beaufort, South Carolina (2024)
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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.